from a "click and hope" photographer


“Life is one big road with lots of signs.

So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.

Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.

Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”
~Bob Marley~


Audrey said...

Gosh Ive missed this blog, for some reason I thought you'd stopped posting here, just caught up and some of these are so very moving xx superb!!!

mrsnesbitt said...

I often observe the speed limit signs as we breeze by on the motorbike! LOL!

AphotoAday said...

Great posting -- and I especially enjoyed the quote from Bob Marley !

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Dear Ruth,
Also YOU were making a "signs-day-blog" How good of you! You seem to take part of everything ehh? How cute that we both posted a 'school-sign' (you on leftbottom) hahhaha! I like the word 'humps' , that sounds so CUTE :)And the '15' is 15 ,miles? I quess so... Hmmm not very fast.

I was a day too late with 'signs' but I wanted to use my 'signs-photo' thets why..

:) JoAnn

Andree said...

Bob Marley. How good his thoughts are. I have to remember this one.

Tenderness contains an element of sadness. It is not the sadness of feeling sorry for yourself or feeling deprived, but it is a natural situation of fullness. You feel so full and rich, as if you were about to shed tears. Your eyes are full of tears, and the moment you blink, the tears will spill out of your eyes and roll down your cheeks. In order to be a good warrior, one has to feel this sad and tender heart. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche