from a "click and hope" photographer


If you're in a helicopter and feel cold;

for goodness sake don't turn the fan off!



Annie said...

My absolute best flying fun has been in a helicopter. There's a sense of being in control and in the air, all at the same time, about it.

dot said...

Enjoyed the quote! Good advice!

Mandi said...

LOL! That's so funny.

Sheila said...

With my hot flashes lately, that's not likely...LOL

Tenderness contains an element of sadness. It is not the sadness of feeling sorry for yourself or feeling deprived, but it is a natural situation of fullness. You feel so full and rich, as if you were about to shed tears. Your eyes are full of tears, and the moment you blink, the tears will spill out of your eyes and roll down your cheeks. In order to be a good warrior, one has to feel this sad and tender heart. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche